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Care Package

February 19, 2010

We mailed off our first care package to Abigail yesterday. We mailed it to Celebrate Children in Florida and Sue will actually take it with her to Ethiopia this week and hand deliver it Abigail.

We sent her a variety of small gifts. The only rule we got from Celebrate Children was that we can send what ever would fit in a 2.5 gallon zip lock bag. We had to work fast to get it to Sue by today, but we knew we would have future opportunities to send care packages as well.

In this care package we sent:

  • A Children’s Book about God’s Love
  • A Coloring Book and Crayons
  • Some Candy Hearts
  • A photo album with 36 pictures of our family
  • A card with a letter from us in it
  • A purple kid size wrist watch (a symbol for the time that separates us)
  • and a really awesome blanket with her name on it.

Our friend Mylissa Horrocks made a blanket in like a half a day. It is so pretty and she even embroidered Abigail’s name on it. (Thanks so much Mylissa!)

One thing Ashleigh read recently was that a transitional item is a very important part of a toddler adoptions. But a common issue that comes up with International adoptions is that the home or orphanage the child is in before coming home with you has very limited resources, so sending home an item with each child that is adopted quickly depletes what they have.

This blanket is hopefully going to be a transitional item for Abigail. I prayed over the blanket at least a dozen times yesterday. I know it is just a blanket, but I am praying that God’s love will be communicated tangibly and consistently by it to Abigail.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. jes permalink
    February 19, 2010 12:43 pm

    Ahhhhh!!! I feel like I’m missing it! I want to be there to help make Abigail care packages 🙂 I can’t wait to meet her. What can I do to help. What do you guys need?

    • February 19, 2010 12:45 pm

      We wish you were here to!

      Honestly, we need $15,000 and about 80,000 more United Airlines miles.

  2. jes permalink
    February 19, 2010 2:56 pm

    how bout like $150??? What do I look like? a doctor? hahaha kidding. I’d love to send some money your way. I’m dumb and haven’t signed up for any of the programs that give you frequent flier miles so I’m not help on that front.
    Keep me updated. Hey I want to my $160 to pay for y’all getting finger printed by the FBI. haha That sounds legit.

  3. February 19, 2010 3:00 pm

    Consider it done! The FBI has officially been compensated by Jes King!

    Thanks so much!

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